Adam Curry and Dave Winer are credited with the invention of podcasting. Who exactly did what is up for dispute, but in the end these are the two guys who got it rolling.
The term podcasting was mentioned by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian newspaper article.
Liberated Syndication ( launches as the first podcast service provider.
Podshow is created by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom. The phrase “Quit your day job” is batted around. Some producers are able to quit their day job. Many are not.
Leo Laporte publishes the first episode of This Week in Tech. Later This Week In Tech wins the first People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Awards.
Podcasting: Do-it-yourself Guide by Todd Cochrane released.
Apple iTunes 4.9 is released with native support for podcasts.
George W. Bush is the first President to have his weekly address delivered as a podcast.
Yahoo lanuches a podcast search site. People can listen and subscribe.
Mommycast inks a six figure deal with Dixie.
Podcast is declared the word of the year by the New Oxford American Dictionary.
Mugglecast wins People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Awards.
CEO of Apple Steve Jobs demonstrates how to make a podcast using Garageband in his keynote.
Blubrry Podcast Directory Launches.
Keith and the Girl win People’s Choice Award at Podcast Awards.
Ricky Gervais sets Guinness World Record for most downloaded podcast at 261,670 per episode for the first month.
Google buys Feedburner for 100 million. Feedburner is a service many podcasters are using to create an iTunes compliant rss feed.
Yahoo closes its podcast directory.
Manager Tools win the People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Awards.
The developer of the Podpress plugin abandons plugin and when everyone upgrades to WordPress 2.6 they can’t make a new post. Eventually WordPress steps in to repair plugin.
Edison Research reports Americans who have “heard of” podcasting is 37% Pew Research states that 19% of Internet users have downloaded a podcast.
Edison Research reports Americans who have “heard of” podcasting is 43% and 25% have consumed “downloadable media.” 32% of audio is consumed on portable media.
ESPN Fantasy Focus Football wins People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Award.
After his terrestrial radio show is cancelled Marc Maron launches the WTF podcast.
Tell Em Steve Dave! Wins the People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Awards.
4Player Podcast wins the People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Awards.
Adam Carolla becomes the Guinness World Record holder for the most downloaded podcast after receiving 59,574,843 unique downloads from March 2009 to March 16, 2011.
ESPN Fantasy Focus Football wins People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Award.
Edison Research states 29% of Americans have listened to a podcast.
Google kills their “listen” app leaving no native podcast app on the android platform.
Personal Audio “Patent Troll” sues high profile podcasters for royalties claiming they have a patent on podcasting from 2009.
Apple announces 1 billion podcast subscribers.
Electronic Frontier Foundation files a petition with the US Trademark Office to invalidate the Personal Audio Patent.
President Barack Obama is interviewed by Marc Maron on the WTF podcast.
Dawn Miceli, Drew Domkus, Gary Leland, Mignon Fogarty, Rob Walch are inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame.
Court rules in favor of the Electronic Frontier Foundation in which the patent troll Personal Audio did not invent Podcasting.
Amazon Prime Video premiers Lore, a television show based on the popular podcast by Aaron Mahnke (ref.
On 6 February 2019, Spotify acquired the podcast networks Gimlet Media and Anchor FM Inc., establishing itself as a major player in podcasting (ref.
Joe Rogan announced that he had signed a multi-year licensing deal with Spotify... (also ref.
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